Historical Reference Books
American Militia in the Frontier Wars, 1790-1796 (1990), by M. June Clark. From the end of the Revolutionary War, the fledgling United States was engaged in fighting along the western frontier. Our young country engaged in other conflicts including the Whiskey Rebellion, the infamous western Pennsylvania Tax revolt of 1794, St. Clair’s defeat, Anthony Wayne’s Expeditions and the Battle of Fallen Timbers. This work documents the military service of militia men from the Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee Territories and from the states of Virginia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Georgia.
Stock # RE-1110, ISBN 979-8-9850440-7-2, soft cover, 5.5 x 8.5”, 394 pgs., $45.95
Colonial Soldiers of the South, 1732-1770 (1983/2020), in two-volumes by M. June Clark. From 1732 to the Revolutionary War, the English Crown recruited southern colonist to fight a series of proxy wars against Spain and France in Florida and the Caribbean. The muster rolls of approximately 55,000 soldiers from Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia and Maryland are reproduced in this work. Sources include the Library of Congress, University of Michigan, the Archives of Great Britain and the United States, the Maryland Historical Society, and other state archives and historical societies.
Stock # RE-1095, ISBN 979-8-9850440-6-5, 2-volumes, soft cover, 5.5 x 8.5”, 1284 pgs., $ 174.95.
Volume II will be sold as a set with Volume I.
The Pension Lists of 1792-1795: (1991) by M. June Clark. Two fires destroyed Revolutionary War Pension Records in 1800. A series of reports attempted to reconstruction the pension claims, but these sources remained disbursed. This invaluable genealogical tool consolidates the information from nine separate Congressional reports, Pierce’s Register, state returns and the Act for the Relief of Disables Soldiers and Seamen (1798).
Stock # RE-1110, ISBN 979-8-9850440-9-6, soft cover, 5.5 x 8.5”, 214 pgs., $ 31.95.
Index to US Invalid Pension Records, 1801-1815 (1991/2020), by M. June Clark. This is the index to a ledger titled the Revolution War and Acts of Military Establishments, Invalid Pension Payments, March 1801-1815. This voluminous source document is an 18 x 25” ledger, 3 inches thick and unindexed. Compiled by author and genealogist M. June Clark, this work serves as a guide to tracing claims for injuries and deaths of American soldiers in the Revolutionary War filed between 1801 and 1815.
Stock # RE-1105, ISBN 979-8-9850440-8-9, soft cover, 5.5 x 8.5”, 160 pgs., $ 24.95.
Loyalists in the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War, vol. I, (1981/2020), by M. June Clark. Not every American colonist was in support of the American Revolution. Many remained loyal to the English government and some men took up arms and fought alongside of the British troops. The men who fought for King George III and records of their service to the Crown were largely forgotten. A landmark for genealogy research, volume I contains the Official Rolls of American Colonists recruited by the Crown from the colonies in North and South Carolina, Georgia, and territories Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana, and an invaluable index to the muster rolls.
Stock # RE-1080, ISBN 979-8-9850440-1-0, soft cover, 5.5 x 8.5”, 660 pgs., $ 79.95.
Loyalists in the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War, vol. II, (1981/2020), by M. June Clark. The records and details of the colonists who remained Loyal to the English Crown during the Revolutionary War we very difficult or almost impossible to find. The second volume of Loyalists in the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War has the Official Rolls of American Colonists recruited by the Crown, principally from the colonies of Maryland and Virginia. However, regiments composed of men from Pennsylvania, New York and Connecticut are also included. These regiments fought in the Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey campaigns before moving South.
Stock # RE-1085, ISBN 979-8-9850440-2-7, soft cover, 5.5 x 8.5”, 708 pgs., $ 79.95.
Loyalists in the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War, vol. III, (1981/2020), by M. June Clark. The third and final volume of Loyalists in the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War, is the Official Rolls of American Colonists recruited by the Crown from Mid-Atlantic Colonies of New Jersey and New York not covered in the previous volumes, including Delancey’s’ Brigade, King’s American Regiment, Prince of Wales American Regiment, Volunteers of Ireland and other smaller Corps. Also included are compilations of hard-to-find records of refugees, confiscated estates in South Carolina, and others.
Stock # RE-1090, ISBN 979-8-9850440-3-4, soft cover, 5.5 x 8.5”, 506 pgs., $ 74.95.
Loyalists in the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War, volumes. I, II, & III, is a landmark for genealogy research. Not every American colonist supported the American Revolution. Many remained loyal to the English government, and some took up arms and fought alongside of the British troops. Their service records were largely forgotten and lost to genealogical research. This is a comprehensive set of all 3 volumes!
Stock # RS-2000. Buy the three-volume set for $ 199.95 (save $35.00).